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F Actions

Action F.1: Technical management of the project
This action foresees the technical management of the project and the coordination of the staff involved. The project’s office will be located by the Provincial Administration office in Foggia.
The action will last for the whole project’s duration.

ACTION F.2: Administrative management of the project
An administrative responsible, which has the duty of superintending the expenses considering the project’s budget and the financing rules of LIFE+, has been nominated for the right management of the project.
The responsible will cooperate with the project’s coordinator (action F1) in order to control the expenses, prearrange the financial progresses, and forward them to the European Committee.

ACTION F.3: International scientific committee
The Province of Foggia will create an international scientific committee in order to define the priorities of the interventions and organize how and when they will take place. The committee will be composed by international renowned experts and delegates of the organizations involved in the project (ISPRA, Alta Murgia National Park, Gargano National Park, CSN Onlus).
The committee will judge and confirm the validity of the technical protocols foreseen by the project. Among its most important duties, the committee will state an opinion on the actions foreseen by the project and on the efficiency of the technical-scientific activities, through the analysis of the monitoring reports that will be received by the regional office.
The project manager, the scientific manager of the breeding centre and other professionals involved in the actions that could possibly interact with the committee, will also be able to take part to it.
The logistic structure will be active from the start of the project and will last for the whole project’s duration.

ACTION F.4: Monitoring of the project’s progress
The monitoring of the project’s progress consists in an examination of the status of the actions, through the measurement of specific “indicators”, whose dimensions are proportional to the effects expected from the action’s realization and the duration foreseen.
The responsible of the monitoring will cooperate with the project’s coordinator and with the financial officer in order to monitor both the technical and the financial progress. It will be a third person with the specific duty of checking the project’s timeframe in order to enable the opportune activation of possible corrective measures in case of delays.

ACTION F.5: Activity of networking with other LIFE projects
The networking activity involves in the European beneficiaries of the project, which worked or are still operating on the Little bustard. The networking activity has already contacted experts from France and Spain.
First, a recognition of all the LIFE projects that could be interested will be realized, and then their referents will be contacted. They will be periodically informed on the results obtained during the project by a newsletter in English, proposing them to exchange information and good practices with the group.
The aim of this activity is to standardize the criteria of management of steppe environment and of the actions of conservation of the species in the Mediterranean Biogeographical Region. Through this action, it will be possible to learn from the previous experiences of restoring of those habitats.
This action will be realized through internet, videoconferences, telephone.

ACTION F.6: Independent revision of the balance
An independent reviser will be nominated to make a survey the financial accounts and forward it to the Commission with the final report. The reviser will check the respect for the law and the normative of accountancy and will certify that all the expenses have been met respecting the Standard Administrative Normative.

ACTION F.7: Post-LIFE conservation Plan
A Conservation Plan will be prepared with the final report. It will describe the actions that will start after the LIFE project’s conclusion, for the management of the project area.
This document will contain detailed information about the actions that will be undertaken in the following years (for example: continuation of the restocking activities, periodical servicing of the structures, monitoring, etc.), the timeframe, the action’s responsible and the financing sources. The document will consist of a distinct chapter of the final report in Italian and possibly in English. It will contain information about how the actions of conservation will develop in the years after the project’s conclusion and about how the long-term management of the site and the species will be guaranteed. The Plan will give details about the actions that will be undertaken and who will they be undertaken from, when and using what financing sources. The costs for the printing of the Plan will not be foreseen and the whole action will be realized at no cost for the LIFE project.


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© 2014 CENTRO STUDI NATURALISTICI - ONLUS - CIF. 03702310719 . All rights reserved. Texts: Maurizio Gioiosa, Vincenzo Rizzi, Matteo Caldarella, Maurizio Marrese - English translation: Miriam Gioiosa - Photographs: Matteo Caldarella, Vincenzo Rizzi. - Credits - sinkronia